Hiking Home Hostel


Completion Year: 2014

Location: Taichung

Origin of Hiking Home

上山回家旅宿,位於雪山山脈中其中一座小百岳:馬那邦山(全高 1407m)的山腰處,地屬苗栗縣 大湖鄉,也是台灣草莓的故鄉。這棟建築的價值不在於華麗的設計手法,直正的價值在於業主蔣 先生對於本案的投入與期許,蔣先生家裡因逢 921 地震,為了讓整個家庭重新有一個棲身之所, 業主放棄了本來在台北的工作,回到老家投入整個建築從無到有的誕生,自力造屋的決心與投入 令人感動,就在蔣先生與設計師的合作下歷經超過五年的討論,終於在種種艱辛的問題中誕生, 這棟位在高海拔 900 公尺高山的低調樸實的建築,以最基本的水泥粉刷搭配上自然流露的混凝 土紋理,雲霧的渲染能讓時間與建築更緊密的對話,這幾乎是當地海拔最高的民宿,一座與原始 山林共生息的建築,80%以上的糧食自栽自採自足,目標以太陽能和水力供應超過一半以上的能 源,成為山邊自給自足的典範,一個等待你前往感受的民宿-上山回家旅舍。


The Hiking Home Hostel is located in mid-slope of a mountain called MALABAN (peak at 1407m) within the Snowy Mountain Range in Dahu, Miaoli which is also the hometown of Taiwan strawberry. The value of this building does not lies on the splendid design techniques but lies on the involvement and expectation of the owners, Mr. Chiang. Because of the 921 Earthquake, Mr. Chiang gave up his work in Taipei and returned to his hometown to rebuild a shelter for his family. His determination and involvement to construct the house by himself is very impressive. After discussing and talking over for more than five years with the designer, the building is finally completed with all sorts of the difficult problems solved.

Located in the high altitude of 900 meters in the mountains, the building keeps a low-profile and simple appearance. The mixture of cement painted, natural concrete texture, render of clouds which enhances the conversation between time and the building. It is almost the highest local hostel, the house coexists with the surrounding of primary forest. More than 80% of food served are planted, harvested and consumed by themselves. It also aims at using solar system and hydro power as more than half of their energy supply. It has become a model of self-sufficiency of the hillside, waiting for you to visit and experience - Hiking Home Hostel.

921 受災戶的傷痛

Pain of Victims of 921

業主年過八十的外公一輩子在山上務農,吃喝都是傳統的客家人,在經歷過 921 的天災後舉家遷 移,期盼有一棟屬於家裡的堅固房子。這棟建築終於在 2014 年誕生,外公難掩臉上驕傲的神情, 畢竟這裡的每一塊土地都屬於自己的。業主蔣先生輕聲說道「其實媽媽也很期待這棟建築的誕生, 希望退休後能夠就近照顧自己的父母,同時也提供一個歇腳處給來訪的親朋好友們,這是對於已 快失去所有手足、一輩子犧牲奉獻的媽媽一個最單純的理想。」

The grandfather of Mr. Chiang who is over-eighty-year-old leads a lifelong farming life in the mountain, following traditional dieting habits of the Hakka. After the 921 Earthquake, his family migrated. His grandfather was looking forward to having a sturdy house for the family. Therefore he is very proud when the building is completed in 2014. After all, every piece of the land here belongs to him. Mr.Chiang said, "In fact, my mother is also expecting the completion of the building, and she hopes to move around to my grandparents and take care of them after retirement. It also provides a stopover for relatives and friends who comes for visit. This building is one of the simplest dream of my mother who almost lost all her siblings and delicate her lifetime for the family.


其實對於這一切都是自然發生的,蔣先生並沒刻意的強求,他認為不會說因為 921 的天災,就成 為永遠的傷痛,因而一定要強調如何改變和怨天尤人;反而是以一種順服上天的,默默的、隱隱 的態度,而非強烈的再造精神去面對這一切。畢竟,傷痛或許早已忘記,而成為一種過去之後的 對先輩追思與懷念。

Mr. Chiang didn’t ask for anything intentionally, in fact, all of this just occurred naturally. He doesn’t become a person who is emphasizing on how to make changes or blaming on everything. On the contrary, he faced it with a humble and respectful mind without any about the strong rebuilding thoughts. After all, the pain will be forgotten and become a memorial and remembrance of our lost.


Elf in the mountain - Church

這棟建築除了住宿機能外,中間刻意殘出的挑空公共空間其實還有個特別的用意,來滿足蔣先生心中另一個期許,這不只是一棟房子,一間旅宿,她還是一個半山腰的精靈-一個山中的教堂, 讓那些在山邊習慣會酗酒聚會的大人們、那些在偏鄉小學就讀孤單的孩子、那些習慣被漠視的長 輩老人們,得到精神上的倚託、心靈的沈澱、一個生活上的支點。一樓飯廳的開放式格局就是為 了教堂彈性使用的需求所設計,而底牆上的壁畫,則是蔣先生親自畫的一幅名為「新創世紀」的 畫作,你可以看到上帝的身影、挪亞方舟而多彩多姿的世界,所有的色彩都是從戶外天然的色彩 中,配合色票挑選出來,再反應在畫作和空間的牆面上。

In addition to the function of accommodation, the common area in the middle was designed deliberately for a special intention. To meet Mr. Chiang's additional expectation, this building is not just a house or a hostel. It is an elf in the hillside - a church in the mountain. It allows those adults who used to gather together along the hill for drink, those lonely children who go to school in remote area and those elderly who are always being ignored, to have an dependence for their spirit, a precipitation for their mind and a support for their life. The open-spaced dining room in the ground floor is specially designed with high flexibility for the use of church. The murals, named "New Genesis", on the wall is painted by Mr. Chiang himself. You can see a colorful world with the shadow of God and Noah's Ark. All colors are natural pigment origin from the mother natural then he reflect it to the murals by picking the color number from the color swatches.


Offer a price for yourselves!

上山回家旅舍,業主採用一種實驗式的收費思維,條件是「一家人,兩天一夜,一泊二食」,住 宿客可根據住宿滿意的程度,自己決定給付的金額。原因其實很單純,業主一家人都住在一樓, 對他們來說二三樓的都是自家的房間,只是希望有朋友來作客陪伴。「旅人帶來的歡笑,會留存 在房子裡的樹梢邊和書櫃的一角,就像花開需要養分的那般自然。這裡沒有電視和冷氣,赤著腳 踩踏這塊土地的觸感,我們準備了一片舒服的草皮,和初夏涼許的微風,認真的邀請您,屬於這 座島上的純樸」蔣先生天真的說道。


Mr. Chiang adopts an experimental charging method in "Hiking Home" Hostel. The condition is "one family, two days one night, one landing two meals". Guests can decide their payment according to the degree of satisfaction of accommodation. The reason is simple. Mr. Chiang's family live in the first floor. To them, second floor and third floor are their rooms as well they just want some friends can come and visit. "The laughs brought by visitors will be retained in corners of the trees and bookshelves in the house, similar to flowers in the nature needed to be fed with nutrients. There are no TV and air-conditioner in the house. We prepared a comfortable turf to lie or step on with naked feet and the cool breeze in the summer shows you the pure and simple of the island. We invite you sincerely to come and experience it, "said Mr. Jiang naively.