Branding system: a comprehensive solution of the enterprise image
The traditional corporate identity system (CIS) was focused on three aspects, which are Mind Identity (MI), Visual Identity (VI), and Behavior Identity (BI). However, these three aspects could establish a branding system based on visual presentation but lack of the connection among spatial, product, and brand’s spirit. This has led to brand-related design outputs aside from graphic design, such as retail spaces, seasonal products, and marketing events that only respond to partial issues, resulting in a brand thinking without systematic yet not comprehensive. Step into brand owners’ shoes. The branding should be an intervention of holistic design thinking rather than solutions to partial issues. A complete branding proposal will certainly consider various perspectives and solve each of the problems, eventually become an enterprise image that involves a solid mission statement, visual aesthetics, and business success. Therefore, the design team developed a total solution called 5i and integrated OEZER’s branding identity design for four years.

Systematic integration: form mind, product, visual, space to behavior
品牌識別整合系統(integrated brand identity design system,簡稱5i系統)是本團隊歷經多年市場調研並結合實務經驗後去蕪存菁的設計架構,可使品牌核心精神的傳達更臻完整。作為企業識別核心,品牌的系統性解決方案至關重要,為解決既有品牌識別無法系統化連結不同項目的情況,團隊整合了品牌價值體系(MI;mind integrated design)、產品識別標準(PI;product integrated design)、品牌視覺體系(VI;visual integrated design)、品牌空間標準(SI;space integrated design)、設計營銷體系(BI;behavior integrated design)等五大面向。從品牌DNA建立、形象具體視覺化、展售空間與產品整合,到最終以教育及設計營銷手段完善,讓完整的5i項目打造出系統性的品牌形象。
The 5I system (Integrated Brand Identity Design System) is the result of our years of market research and practical experience, it is a design framework that allows the brand spirit to more completely convey. As the core of brand identity, the systematic solution is crucial. To solve the issue that the identity cannot link different outputs, we had integrated five major aspects of the branding, including Mind Integrated Design (MI), Product Integrated Design (PI), Visual Integrated Design (VI), Space Integrated Design (SI), and Behavior Integrated Design (BI). From fundament establishment, image visualization, exhibition space & product integration, to dealer education of marketing methods, the complete 5I can form a systematic brand image. Such a theory could avoid brands from the issues of lack in systematic and not comprehensive results, which are the general CIS suffered.

Sustainable integration: rolling the brand development with a complete framework
Since traditional enterprises usually focus on the product itself but ignore the core spirit of themselves, our team built up the brand thinking with 5I system under the concept of "sustainability", so that different outputs can be linked. In the past, we often proposed individual solutions for each output in the process of branding, but due to the inconsistent theory application, incoherence between multiple design teams, and different professional field of enterprise owners, the problems of spending too many resources on communicating end up with inefficiency results again and again; with the 5I system, we are now able to easily connect design theories, forming a systematic solution, and develop a sustainable yet comprehensive branding guideline.

OEZER: the example of 5I system applications
OEZER, in this traditional window & door manufacturing industry that lacked brand thinking, has always focused on the R&D and marketing of systematic windows and doors, curtain walls, and sunrooms. With the goal of energy-saving and environmental protection, they have moved from the fundament focusing on functionality, to today’s pursuit of both practicality, durability, and aesthetics, aiming to impress the consumers. During the four-year cooperation with OEZER, we integrated the 5I system with the brand itself and practiced the concept of “windows and doors are not merely architectural elements, but the extension of a lifestyle” into every output of physical to digital.
Base on the core concepts of safety, sustainability, and integration, we redesigned the visual identity system and further launched the “Immaculate Light” series. In terms of space, the tilted layout to set undefined spaces had also implemented within HQ and other retail stores in various scales. In the end, this comprehensive branding solution which considering from a micro to macro perspective and proven in the market was honored to participate in Venice Biennale in 2018, promoting it to the world.

The 5I system overview
- 理念識別設計 MI(Mind Integrated Design):
- MI (Mind Integrated Design):
The concept of “windows and doors are not merely architectural elements, but the extension of a lifestyle” is the belief of OEZER, to keep themselves with the spirit of “Less is More” and impress consumers, further create “new species” within the industry of window & door manufacturing. Base on this concept, they developed a characteristic emphasizing the R&D and the sense of creativity, letting windows and doors break the traditional frame of functionality, become lifestyle extensions. Such a space experience of the new era constructed through windows and doors given the ability to build a smart and secured home with aesthetic, and awarded by a variety of international organizations.
- 產品識別標準 PI(Product Integrated Design):
- PI (Product Integrated Design):
Immaculate Light was a series of windows and doors designed by our team to integrate the lifestyle-oriented MI mindset into the product design. With the combination of a concealed lamp and retractable desktop, this series of products could serve as living spaces for relaxation and reading without affecting the usage of ventilation and access. Its rich possibilities strengthen the functionality as a space intermediary, demonstrating the brand's emphasis on R&D and the sense of creativity, further responding to the concept of "windows and doors are not merely architectural elements, but the extension of a lifestyle”.
- 品牌視覺體系 VI(Visual Integrated Design):
- VI (Visual Integrated Design):
From the proposal stage, we had solidly reorganized the visual system through a branding perspective, which was implemented in logo, colors, auxiliary patterns, office supplies, advertising videos, and digital platforms such as website and social media. In line with the brand characteristic, the overall visual design adjusted into a simplified style, corresponding to the enterprise pursuit of creating the “new species" and having a strong connection with MI.
- 品牌空間標準 SI(Space Integrated Design):
- SI (Space Integrated Design):
Our team had designed those brand-experience spatial with the mindset of MI and VI as the practice for the space design language. From enterprise HQ, exhibition booths, retail stores, marketing events, to annual gatherings, the method of progressive traffic flow, and tilted layout which turned to a 45-degree angle had successfully set aside undefined spaces for interactive, breaking the traditional zoning theory and further construct the creative space.
- 設計營銷體系 BI(Behavior Integrated Design):
- BI (Behavior Integrated Design):
The BI system consists of three major sectors:
- We actively participated in exhibitions of the Chinese local market and Venice Biennale in Italy to promote the brand spirit.
- We organized numerous lectures for deals to build them up, raising their awareness of the brand which could indirectly convey to consumers.
- We assisted the brand in connecting with designers to enhance the quality and aesthetics of products.